M.Sc.I, Sem.I, Organic Chemistry(Paper II)
M. Sc.-I (Semester-I) Organic Chemistry-I (Paper-II) Unit –I (a) Reaction mechanism: Structure and reactivity (7) Types of reactions, strength of acids and bases. Generation, structure, stability and reactivity of reaction intermediates: Carbocations, carbanions, free radicals, carbenes, nitrenes, benzynes and ylides. Effect of structure on reactivity: resonance, steric, hyperconjugation effects. (b) Aliphatic Nucleophilic substitutions: (8) The SN2, SN1 and SNi with respect to mechanism and stereochemistry. Nucleophilic substitutions at an allylic, aliphatic trigonal, benzylic, aryl and vinylic carbons. Reactivity effect of substrate structure, effect of attacking nucleophiles, leaving groups and reaction medium. SN reactions at bridged head carbon, competition between SN1 and SN2, ambident nucleophiles, Neighbouring Group Participation. Unit - II (a) Aromatic Electrophilic Substitutions: (8) Introduction, the arenium ion mechanism, orientation and reactivit...